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Metal Heat Processing World

We should have taken more pictures

But who would want to have a collection of photos of dirt, clutter and problems from the past at that time.
It is surprising where the socialist farmers let the factory go. Looking back, one wonders if one should have the courage to start again. The first imported vacuum furnace was 30 years old when it was established. She was a guinea pig, and immediately after her came the equally old vacuum furnace that still serves today. However, he will soon make room for two new ones. TAV, a supplier from Italy, has won a tender for the supply of vacuum furnaces for the processing of parts for the aerospace, military and medical industries, even with regard to 3D metal printing and superalloys. It will be a unique workplace that will be equipped according to the AMS 2750F standard and the NADCA standard for processing molds and tools.

We have always belonged to a segment close to the defense of the republic. Once again, it is clear how important it is for industrial enterprises not only to work for civilian production, but also to have a militant reach. We declare that in the event of a threat to the republic, we are able to continue the original focus of Zbrojovka Vsetin.