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Metal Heat Processing World

90 percent reduction in CO2 in 5 years

Heat treatment of metals is a significant energy consumer. Electricity is the leader, followed by technical gases. We partly produce nitrogen, which is one of our technical gases, ourselves. We also produce electricity in limited quantities. Unfortunately, we have to purchase a number of operating materials.
And yet, after four years of effort since 2020 and with a view to the future result for 2025, we have managed to find a way and make significant progress in the consumption of operating media.
From 56 tons of CO2 per employee in 2020, we have managed to reduce our carbon footprint through joint efforts to the expected 7 tons of CO2 for 2025.
We have abolished blackening and tumbling operations. We have purchased electric forklifts, partial electromobility, more economical production technologies and, above all, we have focused on waste. We are increasing performance from the monitored 1 kWh and are working with operator qualifications.

The future is great and blue oceans exist...

P.S: and if some don't know, you can buy Green electricity from Nordic hydro and wind power sources.